


刘玉欣,博士,讲师,研究生导师。主要研究方向包括但不限于机器学习、进化计算及其在路径优化、图像分类等领域的应用。入选上海市“科技创新行动计划”扬帆计划,以第一作者发表学术论文十余篇。担任多个国内外学术期刊、会议的审稿人,如Applied Soft ComputingNeural Processing LettersComputing,《软件学报》,《通信学报》,IEEE CEC











[1] 上海市扬帆计划,面向动态弧路径问题的超启发式遗传编程算法研究,2021.05-2024.04,在研

[2] 国家重点研发计划,船载综合应用平台数据处理模型及信息安全技术研究,2021.12-2025.12,在研

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于DSmT的多粒度动态融合推理方法及应用研究,2022.01-2024.12,在研

[4] 上海市自然科学基金,车联网信息共享安全关键技术研究,2021.07-2024.06,在研

[5] 上海市浦江人才项目,面向异构多核组合式近似技术的可靠性量化方法研究,2021.10-2023.09,在研

[6] 企、事业单位委托项目,智慧校园微应用流程服务开发,2023.03-2027.12,在研

[7] 上海市软科学研究项目,“陆海空天”一体化的船舶碳排放清单精细化编制方法预研究,2022.03-2023.02,已结题

[8] 国家社会科学基金青年项目,刑事庭审中程序正义话语重构历时研究,2019.07-2022.06,已结题



[1] Y.X. Liu, Z.H. Qin, J. Liu, An improved genetic algorithm for the granularity-based split vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup, Mathematics, 2023, 11(15): 3328.

[2] Y.X. Liu, J.X. Wang, J.J. Zhao, X.H, Li, Route stability in the uncertain capacitated arc routing problem, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 933705.

[3] Y.X. Liu, S.X. Wang, X.H. Li, A new cooperative recourse strategy for emergency material allocation in uncertain environments, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10: 835412.

[4] Y.X. Liu, Y. Mei, M.J. Zhang, Z.L. Zhang, A predictive-reactive approach with genetic programming and cooperative co-evolution for uncertain capacitated arc routing problem, Evolutionary Computation, 2020, 28(2): 289-316. (CCF-B期刊)

[5] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, Z.L. Zhang, Simulating transport networks with a Physarum foraging model, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 23725-23739.

[6] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, Z.L. Zhang, et al., Solving NP-hard problems with Physarum-based ant colony system, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(1): 108-120. (CCF-B期刊)

[7] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, Z.L. Zhang, et al., A new multi-agent system to simulate the foraging behaviors of Physarum, Natural Computing, 2017, 16(1): 15-29. (CCF-C期刊)

[8] Y.X. Liu, Y. Mei, M.J. Zhang, Z.L. Zhang, Automated heuristic design using genetic programming hyper-heuristic for uncertain capacitated arc routing problem, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2017), ACM, 2017: 290-297. (CCF-C会议)

[9] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, X.Y. She, et al., A bio-inspired method for locating the diffusion source with limited observers, The IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC2016), IEEE, 2016: 508-514. (IEEE计算智能学会旗舰会议)

[10] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, M.X. Liang, et al., A Physarum-inspired vacant particle model with shrinkage for transport network design, The 6th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI2015), LNCS 9140, 2015: 74-81.

[11] Z.L. Zhang, C. Gao, Y.X. Liu, et al., A universal optimization strategy for ant colony optimization algorithms based on the Physarum-inspired mathematical model, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2014, 9(3): 036006.

[12] Y.X. Liu, C. Gao, Y.H. Wu, et al., A Physarum-inspired multi-agent system to solve maze, The 5th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI2014), LNCS 8794, 2014: 424-430.

[13] Y.X. Liu, Y.X. Lu, C. Gao, et al., A multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithm based on the Physarum-inspired mathematical model, The 10th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC2014), IEEE, 2014: 304-309.

[14] 张自力, 刘玉欣, 高超, , 基于改进多头绒泡菌模型的网络演化研究, 系统仿真学报, 2014, 26(11): 2648-2654.

[15] Y.X. Liu, Z.L. Zhang, C. Gao, et al., A Physarum network evolution model based on IBTM, The 4th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI2013), LNCS 7929, 2013: 19-26.



